On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, our school received notification from the CISKD Board of Directors that we would be closing at the end of June, 2025, due to our financial situation. You can read the notice here.
A town-hall style meeting was held the following evening to present the budgetary situation to the school community, and allow for a Q&A period.

The Board met on Wednesday, Jan. 22nd, and by the end of the day Friday, Jan. 24th we received an update from them, which you may read here. We have heard that the Board is overjoyed at the outpouring of support for the school, and were very receptive.
What now? Well, we begin collecting the pledged funds to show that we have the finances to cover this year's budget and also support operations next year. In addition, we will show viability of our enrolment numbers by sending re-registration packages for current students home on Tuesday, Jan. 28th, and new registration packages are also being released for new applicants. New families may download the application package for registration next year here. New applications will be reviewed by the Principal, and then an intake interview will be conducted with the Principal, Father Paul and the new family. Acceptance is based on space, class composition, and compatibility.
Should the school not receive sufficient donations and enrolments to support us remaining open next year, any donated funds or pre-paid tuition and fees for next year will be refunded in full. If we are able to remain open, your donations will be eligible for a tax-deductible receipt.
We are filled with hope and give thanks to our God who is so good and is taking care of us during this period of uncertainty. We have faith that God loves this school and the families who attend here. "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "Plans to help and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Jeremiah 29:11.